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A more gentle, beach-ready physique in comparison to the Sports Model Class. Evaluated based on condition, symmetry, shape, and presentation. Participants should have a lean physique that reveals an outline of their abdominal muscles, but not a complete six-pack. There should be no visible separation in the shoulders or quadriceps, while the glute/hamstring tie-in should show some definition without being fully conditioned. Muscularity should indicate a dedicated training regimen, but not reach the level of a sports model. The development of the shoulders and back should be in line with that of the glutes, hamstrings, and quads. There will be only one round, where competitors will perform an individual stage walk and then be compared through four quarter turns. Judging will be done while wearing a bikini and stage heels. Competitors also have the option to participate in a separate round where they can showcase theme wear, which will be judged independently.

Bikini Divisions
Beginners, Novice, Open Short, Open Tall, Bikini Momma

A more toned and relaxed physique compared to the Sports Model Class. Evaluated based on overall fitness, balance, shape, and presentation. Competitors should have a lean body that shows a hint of abdominal muscles but not a full six-pack. There should be no visible separation in the shoulders or quadriceps, but the glute/hamstring tie-in should show some definition without being fully defined.
Muscularity should indicate that the individual trains regularly, but not to the extent of a sports model. The development of the shoulders and back should match that of the glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

There will be only one round, where competitors will walk on stage individually and then be compared through four quarter turns.
They will be judged while wearing a two piece swimsuit and stage heels. Competitors also have the option to participate in a separate round where they can showcase a theme wear outfit, which will be judged separately.

A physique that is more solid than a sports model and slightly softer compared to the Figure class. Evaluated based on condition, symmetry, shape, and presentation. Competitors should have a lean body to display a complete six-pack, with some separation in the shoulders and quads but without any striations. The glute/hamstring tie-in should show separation but not be fully defined. Muscularity should be higher than that of a sports model but not as much as a figure competitor. Shoulder and back development should be proportional to glute, hamstring, and quad development. There will be only one round, where competitors will perform an individual stage walk and then be compared through 4x quarter turns. They will be judged wearing a bikini and stage heels. Competitors can also choose to participate in an optional theme wear round, which will be judged separately.

Fitness Divisions
Beginners, Novice, Open Short, Open Tall

Based on the criteria of muscularity condition, symmetry, shape, and presentation, competitors are expected to possess more muscularity than fitness competitors but not as much as women's physique competitors. The condition of the physique should display a complete six-pack, separation in the shoulders, arms or quads, hamstrings, and some acceptable striations. However, the glutes should not be fully striated. The overall physique should be well-balanced, with development in the chest, shoulders, arms, and back (upper body) matching the development in the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves (lower body). The left side should mirror the right side, and the front development should match the back development.
Competitors will be judged while wearing a two-piece figure bikini and high heels.
Rd1 Compulsory Poses (Front Double Biceps, Side chest, Side Tricep, Rear Double Biceps, Abs & Thighs)​
Rd2 Symmetry (4x Quarter turns)
Competitors can chose to also enter an optional division judged separately​.

The physique of competitors in this category should be harder than a Bikini Competitor but slightly softer than those in the Fitness class. Judging will be based on condition, symmetry, shape, and presentation. Competitors must be lean enough to display a full six-pack, with some separation in shoulders and quads but no striations. Muscularity should be greater than that of a bikini competitor but less than that of a fitness competitor. Shoulder and back development should be in line with glute, hamstring, and quad development. The competition consists of one round, where competitors will showcase an individual stage walk followed by 4x quarter turns for comparison.
Attire for judging includes a crop top, shorts, and white runners. Optionally, competitors can enter a separate division for additional judging.​

Bikini Division*
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